Personalised Tracing Board / Write and Wipe board
Personalised Tracing Board / Write and Wipe board
Personalised Tracing Board / Write and Wipe board
Personalised Tracing Board / Write and Wipe board
Personalised Tracing Board / Write and Wipe board
Personalised Tracing Board / Write and Wipe board

Personalised Tracing Board / Write and Wipe board

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These write and wipe educational learning boards are the perfect tool to help the little ones in your family or class. They encourage shape, name and number recognition, speech, early literacy learning and fine motor development. The reusable acrylic boards are reverse printed so they can be used again and again and wiped clean after each use. They measure 300mm x 200mm x 4.5mm.

Please use a whiteboard marker or liquid chalk pen on the boards, pen NOT included in listing. Wipe clean with a baby wipe or wash with water and wipe with microfibre cloth, do not use chemicals as it will damage the acrylic. To avoid pen stains make sure to clean off writing when finished.

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