Mini set of 5 Flower Acrylic Cake Toppers
Mini set of 5 Flower Acrylic Cake Toppers
Mini set of 5 Flower Acrylic Cake Toppers
Mini set of 5 Flower Acrylic Cake Toppers
Mini set of 5 Flower Acrylic Cake Toppers
Mini set of 5 Flower Acrylic Cake Toppers

Mini set of 5 Flower Acrylic Cake Toppers

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Our set of 5 mini flower cake toppers are the perfect finishing touch for your next birthday party! Bring all your retro cake dreams to life with this stunning set of acrylic toppers which is available in 3 different colour options or reach out to us if you have a custom request in mind.  The set comes with 4 flowers with spikes and one without and each flower measures approximately 50mm wide by 50mm tall plus stem.

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